Why do I care SO much about Negotiation??

Why have I launched a business laser focused on Negotiation? Why do I know what I'm talking about? Why am I writing about it?

Because it was the first, and most memorable mistake that I made early on in my career. The recovering perfectionist in me, can now see that that moment was when my biggest learning took place. The start of a new, but crucial skill.

From flexible working requests and salary conversations, to house buying auctions and “what time is bedtime” discussions. Like it or not, we are all Negotiators* and Negotiation is no longer optional - it’s become a basic survival skill. 

My first and most memorable mistake

Fresh out of university I started my career in Digital Media.

It was fast-paced, new, ever-changing, competitive, diverse, challenging.

FULL of inspiring people, acronyms, challenging clients, networking, long lunches, Award evenings! Even free personalised trainers?!

I loved it! Neither my friends nor family could understand what exactly I did, but they did see that it energised me. 

“You need to buy 12 month’s worth of advertising for your client from AOL” said the Head of Trading, as he walked off in the other direction. 

Wow, ok, let’s go!

Drunk with power, I asked the guy next to me how best to go about it. After he briefed me, I picked up the phone and made my first booking. They sent an agreement over to me to sign and return by fax (yes we faxed in those days). 

Later, I found the Head of Trading and told him I had successfully completed the task and would be available for any other tasks he had for me. 

“What price did you agree on?” he asked. 

Confused by his question, I recited the price on the paperwork. He looked at me deadpan and said “Next time, do better on the figure.”

Crushed, I kept my head down until home time. 

The next day, I was asked to complete the same task for a different client…I considered his response and decided to ask a different team to brief me ahead of the call. 

I learnt in under 10 seconds that they had made the same booking last week… for the same duration… the same website… but for 40% less than I had agreed!!!!!!!!!!!!

Creating an opportunity for others

I have never forgotten that moment. 

The naivety, the learning, the fact that if I had not had that crippling feedback, I would never have learnt to Negotiate more effectively. 

A mixture of role models, humiliation and ultimately being brave, grew my appetite in Negotiation. Everywhere I looked, Negotiation training was only available for those in Procurement or Sales or for Senior Leaders. And then, even if you overcame that barrier, it was often then a chunk of money that was difficult to “justify” internally. 

As my confidence, contacts and training experience grew, I became established as a Negotiation Trainer internally; it became my passion project alongside my contracted sales role. 

I have now trained over 500 people globally in Negotiation practices. 

My goal is to provide Negotiation Training for everyone, not just those in specific roles or at a certain level. The USP of my training is that I teach Negotiation skills whilst coaching individuals to take action post-session. By empowering others with the tools they need, Negotiation can become a skill, and not something daunting. 

The more I learn, the more I blend models to best suit company requirements or individual learning styles. I am a Negotiation geek but I also thrive on learning from those around me.

What lessons have I learnt running these workshops that I can share with you?:

  • The term “Negotiation” is actually really old fashioned and has a bad reputation

    • We have moved beyond the world of slamming phones down if the deal is not favourable to you.

    • Instead consider Negotiation as more of a hand shake NOT an arm wrestle. 

  • With practice (and for me some humiliation) Negotiation becomes about less thinking and more doing

    • Start small.

    • Don't compare yourself to others, but compare yourself to where you were a week or month ago.

  • It’s actually individuals in non-sales roles who are most interested in learning this skill

    • They are least likely to have been exposed to this training opportunity before. 

    • Never under-estimate the underdog. 

  • There are tools and methods that make Negotiating easier

    • Honestly, preparation is the most useful tool for Negotiation success.

    • Don’t ever just “blag” it. 

  • Salary Negotiations are the most discussed, but often not the underlying need

    • Take a moment to consider your “why” for asking…

    • Do you feel under-challenged in your role? Have you hit a goal that has been overlooked? Are you facing a change in personal circumstances? 

  • Negotiation is everywhere

    • Find someone who you think Negotiates both well and awfully.

    • Build your own style…

  • People often begin training sessions setting out to “win” but leave it feeling understood and ready to problem solve collaboratively

    • Seeing things from a different perspective can empower you to approach challenges with curiosity.

    • Seeing things from a different perspective can promote personal and professional growth.

Why do I care SO much about Negotiation?

It all started with a memorable mistake early in my career, a moment that became my biggest learning experience. As I progressed in my career, I realised that Negotiation is no longer optional — it's a basic survival skill. My passion for Negotiation grew as I encountered barriers to accessing training and saw the need for inclusive, accessible cheerleading in this area.

Launching my own Negotiation training business has allowed me to empower others with the tools they need to Negotiate, both confidently and effectively. Through workshops and coaching sessions, I've trained over 500 people globally, blending models to best suit each learning style.

No one is born a Negotiator, it is a learned skill that you can own.


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Nisha White

Squarespace Web Designer - Somerset & Devon Based


“The learning curve was very, very steep” with IAB’s James Chandler